Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games:
Demonstrating Energy Management during the Industrial Revolution

In recognition of Great Britain's ranked most energy efficient of world's largest economies by American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), EnMS-Doc submitted an article to "Kankyo Business"(Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd.) about what we saw at the Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

No one will deny one of the factors, which caused the industrial revolution to take place from 1760s to 1830s in Britain, was the strong development of globalisation through the trade policy. However Dr. Robert C. Allen, Professor of Economic History at Oxford University, in his column ( introducing his book "The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective" pointed out the factor of the low energy cost situation due to the exploitation of coal. In spite of Britain's globalisation approach, the industiral revolution in the other countries were not as effective due to economical situations. In other words they face the barrier of having a higher energy cost.
Through the advantage in British industrialisation, the importance of energy was greatly recognised, and how to improve energy efficiency of coal was already the biggest issue at the time. It truly indicates that the concept of energy management moved along with the industrial revolution. With the competitive edge, British living standards were the highest in the world. Yet, the welfare of the public was not necessarily at its peak. The negative aspects such as the harsh work environment and environmental pollution were seen at the recent Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. However, the strength of Britain was...Full article...

Japanese Sustainability Business Discovery Mission to the UK, 5-9 November

EnMS-Doc is coordinating the mission, organised by Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd. and The Graduate School of Project Design, is seeking companies willing to do business in Japan with partnership arrangement in the field of sustainability, and willing to take advantage of this mission coming to London area.

Japan is struggling to identify what will be the next step in the field of sustainability. One reason is that there is no direct Japanese translation of the word "sustainability". The other is in terms of the business related to energy management, Japan needs to make more effort to harmonise with the rest of the world.
As a first step to counter these issues, "Japanese Sustainability Business Discovery Mission to the U.K." was organised supported by UKTI Japan/British Embassy Tokyo seeking potential partners willing to do business in Japan with their new ideas, technology, products, services, etc. in the field of sustainability.
It will be approximately 20-company mission, leaders in sustainability business in Japan with diverse range of business types such as energy solution provider, IT implementer, building facility management, IT and control company, BEMS-aggregator player , ESCO player, etc., aiming to get acquaintance with companies interested to explore business in Japan. Our immediate aim is together with UKTI to identify business units interested to explore Japanese market by forming partnership with Japanese companies pursuing sustainability business development.
Any individual or company considering this mission as an opportunity, how about a rendezvous.
There will be several options to meet the mission however the major event will be the "Sustainability Day" at The University of London on Monday 5th November, an open forum aiming for the mission members to meet and exchange ideas with partner potentials. Kindly please contact us if you are interested or your recommendations to identify companies who may wish to meet the mission. "Meet the Mission Invitation Package" for download.

"BEMS - Aggregator" project in Japan funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industries (METI)

The "BEMS-Aggregator", a 30 billion yen (GBP 240 million) project, is to ensure better energy performing 20,000 small/medium buildings (less than 500kW contract) and 10,000 model homes by promoting installation of BEMS (HEMS for homes) and to appoint aggregators to measure the improvement on behalf of METI.
There are 23 designated "BEMS-Aggregator" companies, and with their consortium partners, there are 77 player companies (Download list of aggregators and consortium companies). The project has officially started on 17 April this year. For the intended delegation, the members will be most likely from those 77 companies.
The delegation will seek the U.K. business partners to do business in Japan looking for the opportunities in the post "BEMS-Aggregator" project business opportunities namely:
(1) Innovative new energy savings equipments/devices, and efficient energy equipment provider
(2) Any solution provider of:
   - Solution software for energy management together with enterprise management
   - Solutions for power trading infrastructure and power retail business
   - Solutions for balanced blending use of power, gas, renewable and natural energy
   - Solutions for billing methodology
   - Solutions for Carbon Reduction Commitment
Since the members are in the energy management business, they would like to meet any U.K. solution provider seeking business entry to Japan in the field of sustainability by forming partnership. Download "BEMS-Aggregator" mission statement

Please contact Nobby yamanouchi ( if you have any further question.

3-day "ISO 50001 Self-Declaration" Workshop in Malaysia 25-27 September

We are organizing together with our EnMS partner in Malaysia, EeSolution Engineering view company profile page , a 3-day workshop to make the participating organisation to become competent to self-declare ISO 50001.


  1. To improve organisation's energy performance (From the session, at least 5% energy saving opportunities will be defined)
  2. To gain knowledge of how to measure and quantitatively verify the saving results using proven regression analysis tool.
  3. Participants gaining competency level to lead their organisation to implement EnMS operation good enough to self-declare ISO 50001, International Energy Management Standard.
The extensive workshop sessions will use the EnMS-Doc's 12 key EnMS management documents to ensure participants to gain knowledge in EnMS global concept that will automatically be compatible to ISO 50001 requirements. The practical workshop sessions will include (1) Energy Review Process, having professional energy auditors to identify probable energy improvement opportunity based on participants inputs; (2) From the energy review outcome, to have participants hands-on experience in creating EnMS action plan; (3) The participants will then implement EnMS operation based on the created plan, using EnMS tool wiki50001 specially arraged by TEAM; and (4)After participants are confident in running the EnMS operation, EnMS audit is to be run using the EnMS audit guideline and scorecard system using wiki50001 auditor-auditee interfacing function for an efficient and quantitative EnMS audit experience...For the detail please download the workshop brochure
The workshop sessions cover key elements of how to establish and Plan EnMS (P), how to implement (D), verify (C) and Improve (A) in line with the requirements of MS ISO 50001. Delegates will have an opportunity to use all the proprietary tools and techniques they have learnt, and practice data gathering in a simulated environment. When they complete the sessions, they will have already experienced the challenges of the MS ISO 50001 implementation that can be applied as an immediate positive impact to the
organisation when they return from the 3-day sessions.

Please contact Nobby yamanouchi ( if you have any further question.

Available Free Download

"Practical Guide to ISO 50001 Energy Management System"
The summary of "EnMS Charter", the highest level document in EnMS.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring
Welcome to a Magnificent World of EnMS Audit with Scorecard System;
TEAM Sigma "EnMS Solution Software Suite" Data Analysis Techniques
Practical Guide to ISO 50001 Self-Declaration


EnMS-Doc Associates Business Overview (The services we provide)

EnMS related document composition

- Series of EnMS management documents "guidebook + template in one" ..."EnMS key 12 documents in a set" leaflet (pdf)
- EnMS Audit Scorecard View scorecard sheet sample...
- Design, create EnMS related documents tailored to the organisation requirements

EnMS related consulting services

- Guiding the organisation qualified to "ISO 50001 Self-Declaration" in one month ...Consulting service overview leaflet (pdf)
- EnMS operational management activities
- EnMS Monitoring & Action related activities
- EnMS audit related activities

Other EnMS related services

- Event coordination such as seminars, conferences on global scale
- EnMS related "Business Discovery Tour" coordination
- EnMS related translation works (English/Japanese)

Partnership in the EnMS related business

- Introduction of EnMS related products and services
- EnMS related liaison operation
- EnMS related business representative


2nd International Conference on the Global impact of Energy Management Systems “Creating the right environment for ISO 50001 to thrive”- Dublin, Ireland(Read more)

Introducing EnMS audit guideline and a related tool...Learn more...

U.S.A going a step ahead of ISO with SEP... Going for capturing the "essence" and freeing from certification pressure...
U.S.A. ISO/TC242 expert speaks to Japanese ISO dedicated magazine "ISOS"Learn more...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring...Learn more...

The reason why we want to endorse ISO 50001 self-declaration...Learn more...

It is important to continuously re-visit the real purpose of ISO 50001: energy performance improvementSo then, how do you proceed with the ISO 50001 EnMS operation?...

DOE Announces Up To $3 Million to Administer Superior Energy Performance Program... ...For the full story, please visit DOE site/ EERE News/Progress Alerts page

Documentation is very important in EnMS operation and for the ISO 50001 certification...Learn more...

ISO 50001 is to eliminate ISO-lation...Learn more...

"Welcome ISO 50001"Learn more...

Back Issue Front Pages

Welcome ISO 50001...(Front page: Jun.-Nov.,2011 edition)View page...

Season's Greetings [re-visiting the real purpose of ISO 50001]...(Front page: Dec.,2011 edition)
View page...

Happy New Year 2012 [The year of the EnMS Power that enhances the business output]...
(Front page: Jan.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Power [2012 resolution]...(Front page: Jan.-Feb.,2012 edition)View page...

News from DOE [DOE Announces Up To $3 Million to Administer Superior Energy Performance Program]...(Front page: Feb.-Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

The reason why we want to endorse ISO 50001 self-declaration...
(Front page: Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring...
(Front page: Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

U.S.A going a step ahead of ISO with SEP... Going for capturing the "essence" and freeing from certification pressure...
(Front page: Mar.-Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Audit Guideline, utilising SEP Best Practice Scorecard concept...
(Front page: Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Audit Scorecard on the move...(Front page: Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

TEAM Spirit...[EnMS Solution Software Suite] (Front page: May.-Jun.,2012 edition)View page...

ISO 50001 One Year Anniversary Edition... (Front page: Jun.-Jul.,2012 edition)View page...

Our mission #1

To provide guidebooks for ISO 50001 related documents which also serve as template for creating document

Our mission #2

To broaden association with organisation or individual involving EnMS in compliance with ISO 50001

For free download materials by enms-doc, please click here.

"All 12 documents in a set" Economical price on sale making ISO 50001 "self declaration" within reach.

EnMS-Doc Document set also available from the Kankyo Business mail magazine.(in Japanese only)

Home pages we follow

Helping companies wanting to explore Japanese market with an objective of susatainablility business development.

We are closely following the development of the UK leading EnMS solution software.

Open source economic paperless EnMS operation tool is very useful to utilise our documents.

We are following EnMS and Sustainability progress in Ireland thru SEAI.

We are following the progress of the SEP programs promoted by USCEEM.

We are keeping our eyes on the GSEP development under the CEM

We learn a lot from this ISO dedicated publisher website
(only in Japanese)。

We benefit a lot from real time information blog pages provided by Mr. Nakao (only in Jaoanese)

Permission to use extracts from ISO 50001 was provided by Standards Council of Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.