It is through Energy Management System (EnMS) documentation, energy performance improvement can be pursued and verified...This is the beauty of ISO 50001!!

If you appreciate the content of ISO 50001, then you come to realize that...

ISO 50001 is not at all particular about the "certification".

ISO 50001 is particular about "Improving your energy performance"

It strongly recommends to take the essence rather than formality.

So, what is the “essence”?

It is to ensure adding value to your business and its sustainability by improving energy performance in your operation.

So then, exactly what is ISO 50001 requiring?

Nothing. It is to promote the mission that each organization has: "Sustainable business development" through achieving the energy performance improvement objectives and targets, as a result of implementing the energy management system in line with the business operation. This is ISO 50001's aim and hope.

So then, how do you proceed with the ISO 50001 EnMS operation?

Top management must lead, appointing influential management representative "person responsible for energy management (PRF) or EnMS champion", to run an aggressive EnMS operation with all people involved under the effective EnMS structure.
However, the operation requiring all people's involvement with a proper teamwork requires adequate documentation to ensure people sharing common information and knowledge.
In EnMS operation, without proper documents, actions are vulnerable.

Did you know there is such a handy document at your service?

●  It is ready to use ISO 50001 compatible
    charter document for EnMS operation.
●  “PRF (EnMS Champion)” is the document
●  The document is written around an
    actual business entity thus
    powerful in reality.
●  It an ideal reference document in structuring
    and establishing ISO 50001 EnMS
●  It is provided in the "word-format" so that
    you can creatively add, delete,
    revise and alter to your organization
    specifics to come up with your own
    charter document that is much more
    superior than the original one .
●  And provided that the document structure
    is maintained, you are always ready
    for ISO 50001.





12 Key documents essential for ISO 50001 compatible EnMS operation

The 12 key documents offered are made based on an actual business entity and so it is powerful and real. At the same time, the contents are flexible in the nature that can be applied to any industry, factory and commercial building.
In creating the 12 key documents, the top management, PRE (EnMS champion), CEM and legal& administration manager are responsible.

...and of course any person involved in EnMS operation must read these documents.

Have these 12 key documents on your line up, ensuring effective EnMS operation

Our mission #1

To provide guidebooks for ISO 50001 related documents which also serve as template for creating document

Our mission #2

To broaden association with organisation or individuals involving EnMS in compliance with ISO 50001
Permission to use extracts from ISO 50001 was provided by Standards Council of Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.