Happy birthday ISO 50001!!

Last year in June, we commenced our website when ISO 50001 was officially launched. This means we are also celebrating our one year anniversary.

We managed to operate the website till now thanks to the support extended by you and especially by the account holders. To be consistent with our mission "To broaden association with organisations or individuals involving EnMS in compliance with ISO 50001", we would like to enhance our services in any possible ways. We therefore kindly ask your continuing support to our website.

I believe each ISO 50001 follower has different opinions about how the ISO 50001 as a standard has evolved in the first year and how it impacted the business environment. When you talk about the topic "Energy Management", you come to realise that everyone has its own ideas and motives. ISO 50001 therefore is a useful international standard (tool) for people having different background and culture to discuss about the EnMS matters with a single language. We, EnMS Associates, are looking forward to further develop relationship with you, and together we can find solutions in developing business through the prime objective of ISO 50001: continual improvement of energy performance.

2nd International Conference on the Global impact of Energy Management Systems “Creating the right environment for ISO 50001 to thrive”- Dublin, Ireland

The ISO 50001 related 2nd International Conference on the Global impact of Energy Management Systems “Creating the right environment for ISO 50001 to thrive” was held at the Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland on 4th May in concert with various TC242 workshops which took place earlier that week.

Rob Steele, ISO Secretary-General in his key note speech, confirmed the superior status of ISO 50001 in the ISO organisation for its strategic importance for the enterprises business aspects in various sectors. He however pointed out that further effort is required for the ISO 50001 harvest mode in reaching more of the top managements of organisations in getting their proactive involvement. He urged the audience to keep spreading out the message about the superiority of ISO 50001 in order to enhance the EnMS operation on a global scale.
The conference was hosted by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and all of the valuable presentations made during the conference including the keynote speech by Rob Steele are accessible from the SEAI website. Speaker presentations are available in both video and slide formats. We recommend you to visit the following SEAI website.
“Creating the right environment for ISO 50001 to thrive” - SEAI, Dublin, Ireland - 4th May 2012

John O'Sullivan, Large Business Supports Manager, SEAI presented the updates on the EnMS progress in Ireland in one of the Sessions: Long Term Strategies to develop capability and impact. John talked about the Energy Management Maturity Model (EM3) offered by SEAI which is a strategy to maximise the potential for energy savings through EnMS. Two key SEAI programmes were presented: (1) Large Industry Energy Network, and (2) Energy Agreements Programme. These programmes will utilise the EM3 Energy Management Maturity Model, of which the aim is to enhance the impact of EnMS at both user level and across the Irish energy efficiency network. The maturity model defines five levels of maturity - Emerging, Defining, Integrating, Optimising and Innovating. This is a management tool that can provide a framework for EnMS users to both assess and plan their development as appropriate to the organisation. The SEAI program provides a fresh contrast with the SEP program scheme promoted by USCEEM in which the update was also presented by Aimee McKane, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the same session.

ISO 50001 one-year anniversary special offer

"M333 Set menu #1: All 12 key documents in a set" and "EnMS Audit Scorecard" in one package

- During the ISO 50001 one-year anniversary period (15th June to 15 July), if you purchase "M333 Set menu #1, All 12 in one",
   you will get "R218 EnMS Audit Scorecard"(USD 90.00) free.
   (When you purchased the "M333 Set menu #1, All 12 in one" package of 12 EnMS major management documents,
   we will send you the "R218 EnMS Audit Scorecard" package by separate mail)

New Free Download Slide Presentation

"EnMS Operation Practical Guide to the ISO 50001 Self-Declaration"

The 27 slide presentation provides information about a procedure to gain ISO 50001 Self-Declaration level in one month with the following topics: ...Download after "sign in"
- Philosophy in the ISO 50001 certification
- What ISO 50001 is great about
- Communicating the "ISO 50001 conformance": Organisation's social responsibility
- "ISO 50001 conformance" Communication Method: "Self-Declaration"
- Process to reach the ISO 50001 "Self-Declaration" Level
- "Self-Declaration" Approval during the Management Review Session
- ISO 50001 "Self-Declaration" Sample Paper

Available Free Download

"Practical Guide to ISO 50001 Energy Management System"
The summary of "EnMS Charter", the highest level document in EnMS.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring
Welcome to a Magnificent World of EnMS Audit with Scorecard System;
TEAM Sigma "EnMS Solution Software Suite" Data Analysis Techniques
Practical Guide to ISO 50001 Self-Declaration


EnMS-Doc Associates Business Overview (The services we provide)

EnMS related document composition

- Series of EnMS management documents "guidebook + template in one" ..."EnMS key 12 documents in a set" leaflet (pdf)
- EnMS Audit Scorecard View scorecard sheet sample...
- Design, create EnMS related documents tailored to the organisation requirements

EnMS related consulting services

- Guiding the organisation qualified to "ISO 50001 Self-Declaration" in one month ...Consulting service overview leaflet (pdf)
- EnMS operational management activities
- EnMS Monitoring & Action related activities
- EnMS audit related activities

Other EnMS related services

- Event coordination such as seminars, conferences on global scale
- EnMS related "Business Discovery Tour" coordination
- EnMS related translation works (English/Japanese)

Partnership in the EnMS related business

- Introduction of EnMS related products and services
- EnMS related liaison operation
- EnMS related business representative


Introducing EnMS audit guideline and a related tool...Learn more...

U.S.A going a step ahead of ISO with SEP... Going for capturing the "essence" and freeing from certification pressure...
U.S.A. ISO/TC242 expert speaks to Japanese ISO dedicated magazine "ISOS"Learn more...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring...Learn more...

The reason why we want to endorse ISO 50001 self-declaration...Learn more...

It is important to continuously re-visit the real purpose of ISO 50001: energy performance improvementSo then, how do you proceed with the ISO 50001 EnMS operation?...

DOE Announces Up To $3 Million to Administer Superior Energy Performance Program... ...For the full story, please visit DOE site/ EERE News/Progress Alerts page

Documentation is very important in EnMS operation and for the ISO 50001 certification...Learn more...

ISO 50001 is to eliminate ISO-lation...Learn more...

"Welcome ISO 50001"Learn more...

Back Issue Front Pages

Welcome ISO 50001...(Front page: Jun.-Nov.,2011 edition)View page...

Season's Greetings [re-visiting the real purpose of ISO 50001]...(Front page: Dec.,2011 edition)
View page...

Happy New Year 2012 [The year of the EnMS Power that enhances the business output]...
(Front page: Jan.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Power [2012 resolution]...(Front page: Jan.-Feb.,2012 edition)View page...

News from DOE [DOE Announces Up To $3 Million to Administer Superior Energy Performance Program]...(Front page: Feb.-Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

The reason why we want to endorse ISO 50001 self-declaration...
(Front page: Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Energy Monitoring...
(Front page: Mar.,2012 edition)View page...

U.S.A going a step ahead of ISO with SEP... Going for capturing the "essence" and freeing from certification pressure...
(Front page: Mar.-Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Audit Guideline, utilising SEP Best Practice Scorecard concept...
(Front page: Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

EnMS Audit Scorecard on the move...(Front page: Apr.,2012 edition)View page...

TEAM Spirit...[EnMS Solution Software Suite] (Front page: May.-Jun.,2012 edition)View page...

Our mission #1

To provide guidebooks for ISO 50001 related documents which also serve as template for creating document

Our mission #2

To broaden association with organisation or individual involving EnMS in compliance with ISO 50001

Home pages we follow

We are closely following the development of the UK leading EnMS solution software.

Open source economic paperless EnMS operation tool is very useful to utilise our documents.

We are following the progress of the SEP programs promoted by USCEEM.

We are keeping our eyes on the GSEP development under the CEM

We learn a lot from this ISO dedicated publisher website
(only in Japanese)。

We benefit a lot from real time information blog pages provided by Mr. Nakao (only in Jaoanese)

Permission to use extracts from ISO 50001 was provided by Standards Council of Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.