(Source: www.rickey.org)

Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games:
Demonstrating Energy Management during the Industrial Revolution

No one will deny one of the factors, which caused the industrial revolution to take place from 1760s to 1830s in Britain, was the strong development of globalisation through the trade policy. However Dr. Robert C. Allen, Professor of Economic History at
Oxford University, in his column (http://www.voxeu.org/article/why-was-industrial-revolution-british/) introducing his book "The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective" pointed out the factor of the low energy cost situation due to the exploitation of coal.

(Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickwebb/7662554812)

Historical background of the Britain being active in the field of energy management

In spite of Britain's globalisation approach, the industiral revolution in the other countries were not as effective due to economical situations. In other words they face the barrier of having a higher energy cost. Through the advantage in British industrialisation, the importance of energy was greatly recognised, and how to improve energy efficiency of coal was already the biggest issue at the time. It truly indicates that the concept of energy management moved along with the industrial revolution.
Furthermore it is interesting to point out that although during the period, charcoal and firewood had become twice the price of coal per unit of energy, due to the coal's pollution implication, the rumour states that there was the effort of control the price of coal. The environmental topic already existed then.
With the competitive edge, British living standards were the highest in the world. Yet, the welfare of the public was not necessarily at its peak. The negative aspects such as the harsh work environment and environmental pollution were
                                                                                                           (Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickwebb/7662370764/)

seen at the recent Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. However, the strength of Britain was not to turn away from reality but aggressively tackling with its problems. While benefiting from the industrial revolution and globalism, Britain had early exposure to the negative aspects, taking early steps to solve the problems. This process, I believe, is the source of existing leading role in the field of energy management.

(Source: http://dawncompk.files.wordpress.com/)

UK ranked most energy efficient of world's largest economies

A report launched in Washington D.C. by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) recently ranked Britain first among the world's 12 largest economies for reducing pollution in industry, transport, and buildings. This certainly demonstrates the consistency in British energy performance nation-wide.
The privatisation on power utility and distribution was pursued in the late 1980s during the Thatcher regime, and advanced to the current system that the power is supplied at retail basis. The consumer currently can select the supplier of electricity and gas just as buying cellular phones or internet services. One can see why power trading is so active.
British public caught on the early stage regarding global warming as reality and the carbon gas emission. Another British strength was with the political and cultural maturity, that the government was swift to tackle on the climate change in the early stage. In 2006, report on climate change by economist Nicholas Stern under the request of the minister of HM Treasury created a big impact to the world for its climate change relation to the world economics. In order to face climate change and to pursue the economics, industry-academic-government must work together with the view of global aspects as well as domestic matters. My understanding is Britain is doing just that by improving the domestic energy efficiency to set a good example globally. My observation is that the British government execute the business based on the principle of energy management operation. The figure below depicted government's operation in promoting the energy management operation.

Figure: British government operation structure promoting energy management with related organisation

The HM Treasury, directly managing the energy management related budget and tax aspects covering the economic part of the Stern Review, has been inspiring small and medium size businesses.The progress of Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), having a rough passage due to each country's difference in interest, Britain finally made official in 2008 by the effort of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). The law modified to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme in 2011, and since then executed under the promotion of Department of Communities & Local Governments (DCLG). The aggressiveness is definitely showing effect. The University of London has distinguished itself in the field of sustainability by building up expertise in carbon and energy management as well as smart initiatives. The sustainability business related organisations such as The Carbon Trust and The Energy Saving Trust take the position of energy user side to provide effective support from home, buildings to large industry achieving energy efficiency. In recent years, organisations providing specific expertise are available such as Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB) helping energy efficiency in building operation. British Telecom consuming 0.7 % of the total power supply in Britain announced a challenging target, reducing carbon emission by 80% by 2020 by implementing the Carbon Stabilisation Intensity (CSI) verification method.

Britain: Innovation by IT in the field of Sustainability

Historically, Britain was in the center of world's trading, and has been unafraid and receptive to changes. This is why everyone from small to large to multi-national has been paying attention to the British market. Additionally, British companies have the foresight in listen to overseas companies attempting to develop business from different background and environment. Having such culture, the British government aggressively endorses the global scale business, and make effort to provide equal opportunities for small to large companies. Never confined to perfection, the attitude of searching for continual improvement should be a mighty strength for the business operators seeking for the new business. For UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) is the one contributing largely to this effort.
As the result, today, thanks to the companies operating in Britain
(Source: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/

and the British government leadership in the policy of the climate change, Britain is taking a main role for the innovation by IT in the field of sustainability.
The key composition of the performance at the opening ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games depicted British traditional farming through the effort in the industrial revolution to heavily IT involved culture of today. As finale, it explored the British future: growth in the field of sustainability with ultimate message: the British hope for the future is the breakthrough and energy of the youth.
I am sure I was not the only one moved by the message.

                                                                                       (Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabinal/7662190504/)

by Nobby Yamanouchi/1st August 2012


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